shiyakujin no hokora
A Book of Little Traditions
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dôkyô (Daoism | Taoism) – 09 / 03 / 2015
dôkyô どうきょう 道教
dô (course, moral, teachings)
kyô (teach, faith, doctrine)

❖ Daoism | Taoism
dôgaku どうがく 道学
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ Ethics, moral philosophy
❖ The study of Daoism / Taoism
rôshi ろうし 老子
rô (old man, old age, grow old / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)

Chin: Lao Tse / Laozi / Lao Tsu / Lao Tzu
❖ approx. 6th century BCE
❖ rôshi is traditionally regarded as the author of the dôtokukyô (Tao Te Ching)
❖ Sometimes considered to be the founder of Daoism; however, Daoistic ideas and practices had been in existence for well over a thousand years by the time of his birth
dôtokukyô どうとくきょう 道徳経
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
toku (benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect)
kyô (vertical (relationship), hierarchy, sutra, pass thru)

❖ Great Book of the Way/Path and Power/Virtue
Tao Te Ching – classic Chinese text by rôshi (Lao Tzu)
❖ Also pronounced Dao De Jing
rôsô ろうそう 老荘
rô (old man, old age, grow old / ateji)
sô (villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor / ateji)

❖ rôshi and sôshi (Lao Tsu and Zhuangzi)
rôsôshisô ろうそうしそう 老荘思想
rô (old man, old age, grow old / ateji)
sô (villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor / ateji)
shi (think)
sô (concept, think, idea, thought)
shisô (ideology, thought, idea)

❖ Philosophy of rôshi and sôshi (Lao Tsu and Zhuangzi)
❖ Daoism / Taoism
sôshi そうし 荘子
sô (villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)

Chin: Zhuangzi / Zhuang Zhou / Chuang-tse
❖ 369?-286? BCE
❖ Developed the ideas of rôshi, but exaggerated them to the point of paradox — on awakening from a dream is he a philosopher dreaming he is a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he is a philosopher?
sôshi そうし 荘子
sô (villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)

❖ Daoist / Taoist book named after its purported author sôshi (Zhuangzi), the philosopher
dôka どうか 道家
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
ka (-ist – used after a noun indicating someone's occupation, pursuits, disposition, etc., -er Suffix)

❖ Daoist / Taoist
dôgakusha どうがくしゃ 道学者
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
gaku (study, learning, science)
sha (someone, person)

❖ Daoist / Taoist
❖ Moralist
dôshi どうし 道士
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
shi (gentleman, samurai)

❖ Daoist / Taoist
❖ Person of high morals
dôkan どうかん 道観
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
kan (observation, meditation)

❖ Daoist / Taoist temple
dôzô どうぞう 道蔵
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
zô (storehouse)

Daoist text: Dao Zang
❖ Some 1400 texts that were collected circa C.E. 400 by Daoist monks in an attempt to bring together all of the teachings of Daoism / Taoism
❖ Divided into three sections: meditations, rituals, and exorcisms
fûsui ふうすい 風水
fû (wind, air)
sui (water)

Chin: Feng Shui
❖ Chinese geomancy
❖ Used to orient buildings such as tombs, dwellings and other structures in an auspicious manner
❖ "Ki rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water"
hakke はっけ 八卦
hak | hachi (eight)
ke (divination sign)

❖ eight trigrams
❖ The Ba Gua
(divination sign)

❖ Trigram
❖ Made of three lines, each of which can be either inkô or yôkô
hôi ほうい 方位
hô (direction)
i (rank, grade, about, some)
hôi (direction)
❖ Compass directions
❖ South is at the top and north is at the bottom
chûbu ちゅうぶ 中部
chû (in, inside, middle, mean, center)
bu (part, portion, section)
chûbu (center, middle, heart)
higashi ひがし
hokusei ほくせい 北西
hoku (north)
sei (west)
hokusei (northwest)

❖ Also pronounced kita-nishi
❖ Also called inui
inui いぬい
inui (ken – one of the trigrams of the I Ching: heaven, northwest)
inu (sign of the dog, 7-9 pm, eleventh sign of Chinese zodiac)
i (sign of the hog, 9-11 pm, twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac)

❖ 7-11 pm on a 24 hour clock
hokutô ほくとう 北東
hoku (north)
tô (east)
hokutô (northeast)

❖ Also pronounced kita-higashi
❖ Also called ushitora
ushitora うしとら
ushitora (gon – one of the trigrams of the I Ching: mountain, northeast)
ushi (sign of the ox or cow, 1-3 am, second sign of Chinese zodiac
tora (sign of the tiger, 3-5 am, third sign of Chinese zodiac)

❖ 1-5 am on a 24 hour clock
kita きた
minami みなみ
nansei なんせい 南西
nan (south)
sei (west)
nansei (southwest)

❖ Also pronounced minami-nishi
❖ Also called hitsujisaru
hitsujisaru ひつじさる
hitsujisaru (kon – one of the trigrams of the I Ching: earth, southwest)
hitsuji (sign of the ram, 1-3 pm, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac)
saru (sign of the monkey, 3-5 pm, ninth sign of Chinese zodiac)

❖ 1-5 pm on a 24 hour clock
nantô なんとう 南東
nan (south)
tô (east)
nantô (southeast)

❖ Also pronounced minami-higashi
❖ Also called tatsumi
tatsumi たつみ
tatsumi (son – one of the trigrams of the I Ching: wind, southeast)
tatsu (sign of the dragon, 7-9 am, fifth sign of Chinese zodiac)
mi (sign of the snake or serpent, 9-11 am, sixth sign of Chinese zodiac)

❖ 7-11 am on a 24 hour clock
nishi にし 西
kazoku かぞく 家族
ka (house, home)
zoku (tribe, family)
kazoku (family, family members)
chichi ちち
ate あて
kaso かそ
kazo かぞ
shishi しし
tete てて
toto とと
chan ちゃん

❖ Also pronounced ate, kaso, kazo, shishi, tete, toto, chan
chônan ちょうなん 長男
chô (elder)
nan (male, son)
chônan (eldest son)
chûdan ちゅうだん 中男
chû (inside, middle, center)
dan (male, son)
chûdan (middle son)
shôdan しょうだん 少男
shô (small, little)
dan (male, son)
shôdan (youngest son)

❖ Also called batsunan
batsunan ばつなん 末男
batsu (end, close)
nan (male, son)
batsunan (youngest son)
haha はは
amo あも
omo おも
kaka かか
hawa はわ

❖ Also pronounced amo, omo, kaka, hawa
chôjo ちょうじょ 長女
chô (elder)
jo (female, woman, daughter)
chôjo (eldest daughter)
chûjo ちゅうじょ 中女
chû (inside, middle, center)
jo (female, woman, daughter)
chûjo (middle daughter)
shôjo しょうじょ 少女
otome おとめ
shô (small, little)
jo (female, woman, daughter)
shôjo (youngest daughter)

❖ Also pronounced otome
❖ Also called matsujo
matsujo まつじょ 末女
matsu (end, close)
jo (female, woman, daughter)
matsujo (youngest daughter)
kisetsu きせつ 季節
ki (seasons)
setsu (node, season, period, occasion)

❖ Season
aki あき
(autumn, fall)
fuyu ふゆ
haru はる
(spring, springtime)
natsu なつ

Chin: yao (line that comprises one third of a trigram)
inkô いんこう 陰爻
in (yin, shade, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow)
kô (line)

❖ Yin yao (female broken line composing one third of a trigram)
yôkô ようこう 陽爻
yô (yang, sunshine, positive, male, heaven, daytime)
kô (line)

❖ Yang yao (male unbroken line composing one third of a trigram)
kôten-hakke こうてんはっけ 後天八卦
kô (later, behind, back)
ten (heavens, sky)
kôten (a posteriori, posteriority)
hak | hachi (eight)
ke (divination sign)

❖ Manifested, Later Heaven or King Wen Ba Gua arrangement
❖ South is at the top and north is at the bottom
❖ Used for residences
shû-bun-ô しゅうぶんおう 周文王
shû (circumference, circuit, lap / ateji)
bun (sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan / ateji)
ô (king, ruler)

❖ King Wen
❖ King of Zhou during the late Shang dynasty in ancient China
❖ Honoured as the founder of the Zhou dynasty
❖ Also called shû-no-bun-ô
shû-no-bun-ô しゅうのぶんおう 周の文王
shû (circumference, circuit, lap / ateji)
no (possessive particle)
bun (sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan / ateji)
ô (king, ruler)
ateji for (Chin: Li)

Nature: hi, ka
Season: natsu
Personality: Clinging
Family: chûjo
Direction: minami
Meaning: Rapid movement, radiance, the sun
Trigram: yôkô, inkô, yôkô –
kon こん
ateji for (Chin: Kun)

Nature: chi, ji, tsushi, tsuchi
Season: natsu
Personality: Receptive
Family: haha, amo, omo, kaka, hawa
Direction: nansei
Meaning: Receptive energy, that which yields
Trigram: inkô, inkô, inkô –
ateji for (Chin: Dui)

Nature: sawa
Season: aki
Personality: Joyous
Family: shôjo, otome
Direction: nishi
Meaning: Joy, satisfaction, stagnation
Trigram: inkô, yôkô, yôkô –
ken けん
ateji for (Chin: Qian)

Nature: ten, ama, ame
Season: aki
Personality: Creative
Family: chichi, ate, kaso, kazo, shishi, tete, toto, chan
Direction: hokusei
Meaning: Expansive energy, the sky
Trigram: yôkô, yôkô, yôkô –
kan かん
ateji for (Chin: Kan)

Nature: mizu, sui
Season: fuyu
Personality: Abysmal
Family: chûdan
Direction: kita
Meaning: Danger, rapid rivers, the abyss, the moon
Trigram: inkô, yôkô, inkô –
gon ごん
ateji for (Chin: Gen)

Nature: yama
Season: fuyu
Personality: Still
Family: shôdan
Direction: hokutô
Meaning: Stillness, immovability
Trigram: yôkô, inkô, inkô –
shin しん
ateji for (Chin: Zhen)

Nature: kaminari, rai, ikazuchi
Season: haru
Personality: Arousing
Family: chônan
Direction: higashi
Meaning: Excitation, revolution, division
Trigram: inkô, inkô, yôkô –
son そん
ateji for (Chin: Xun)

Nature: kaze, fû
Season: haru
Personality: Gentle
Family: chôjo
Direction: nantô
Meaning: Gentle penetration, flexibility
Trigram: yôkô, yôkô, inkô
raban らばん 羅盤
ra (gauze, thin silk / ateji)
ban (tray, shallow bowl, platter, tub, board, phonograph record / ateji)

❖ Feng Shui compass (Chin: Luopan)
senten-hakke せんてんはっけ 先天八卦
sen (before, ahead, previous)
ten (heavens, sky)
senten (inherent, innate)
hak | hachi (eight)
ke (divination sign)

❖ Primordial, Earlier Heaven or Fu Xi Ba Gua arrangement
❖ South is at the top and north is at the bottom
❖ Used for burial sites
fukugi ふくぎ 伏羲
fukki ふっき
fuk | fuku (prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay / ateji)
ki | gi (used in proper names / ateji)

Chin: Fu Xi / Fu Hsi
❖ The first of the Three Sovereigns of ancient China.
❖ A culture hero reputed to be the inventor of writing, fishing, and trapping
❖ Also pronounced fukki
ken けん
ateji for (Chin: Qian)

Nature: ten, ama, ame
Season: natsu
Personality: Creative
Family: chichi, ate, kaso, kazo, shishi, tete, toto, chan
Direction: minami
Meaning: Expansive energy, the sky
Trigram: yôkô, yôkô, yôkô –
son そん
ateji for (Chin: Xun)

Nature: kaze, fû
Season: natsu
Personality: Gentle
Family: chôjo
Direction: nansei
Meaning: Gentle penetration, flexibility
Trigram: yôkô, yôkô, inkô
kan かん
ateji for (Chin: Kan)

Nature: mizu, sui
Season: aki
Personality: Abysmal
Family: chûdan
Direction: nishi
Meaning: Danger, rapid rivers, the abyss, the moon
Trigram: inkô, yôkô, inkô –
gon ごん
ateji for (Chin: Gen)

Nature: yama
Season: aki
Personality: Still
Family: shôdan
Direction: hokusei
Meaning: Stillness, immovability
Trigram: yôkô, inkô, inkô –
kon こん
ateji for (Chin: Kun)

Nature: chi, ji, tsushi, tsuchi
Season: fuyu
Personality: Receptive
Family: haha, amo, omo, kaka, hawa
Direction: kita
Meaning: Receptive energy, that which yields
Trigram: inkô, inkô, inkô –
shin しん
ateji for (Chin: Zhen)

Nature: kaminari, rai, ikazuchi
Season: fuyu
Personality: Arousing
Family: chônan
Direction: hokutô
Meaning: Excitation, revolution, division
Trigram: inkô, inkô, yôkô
ateji for (Chin: Li)

Nature: hi, ka
Season: haru
Personality: Clinging
Family: chûjo
Direction: higashi
Meaning: Rapid movement, radiance, the sun
Trigram: yôkô, inkô, yôkô –
ateji for (Chin: Dui)

Nature: sawa
Season: haru
Personality: Joyous
Family: shôjo, otome
Direction: nantô
Meaning: Joy, satisfaction, stagnation
Trigram: inkô, yôkô, yôkô –
shizen しぜん 自然
shi (oneself)
zen (sort of thing, so)
shizen (nature)
tsushi つし
tsuchi つち

❖ Also pronounced ji, tsushi, tsuchi
❖ See gogyô

❖ Also pronounced ka
❖ See gogyô
kaminari かみなり
rai らい
ikazuchi いかずち

❖ Also pronounced rai, ikazuchi
kaze かぜ

❖ Also pronounced
mizu みず
sui すい

❖ Also pronounced sui
❖ See gogyô
sawa さわ
(swamp, lake)
ten てん
ama あま
ame あめ
(sky / heaven)

❖ Also pronounced ama, ame
yama やま
shidai しだい 四大
shi (four)
dai (great, large, big)

❖ Tao, Heaven, Earth and King
shijin しじん 四神
shishin ししん
shi (four)
jin | shin (kami, mind)
shijin (four kami said to rule over the four directions, in China: four gods said to rule over the four seasons)

❖ The four Daoist gods of the four directions
❖ Also pronounced shishin
❖ Also called shijû, shishô, shirei
shijû しじゅう し獣
shishô ししょう し象
shirei しれい し霊
shi (four)
jû (animal, beast)

shi (four)
shô (phenomenon)

shi (four)
rei (soul, spirits)
suzaku すざく 朱雀
su (vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody)
zaku (sparrow)

❖ Vermilion Bird / Red Phoenix / Crimson Phoenix
❖ Daoist god / ruler over the southern heavens
byakko びゃっこ 白虎
byak | byaku (white)
ko (tiger)

❖ White Tiger
❖ Daoist god / ruler over the western heavens
genbu げんぶ 玄武
gen (mysterious, occultness)
bu (warrior, military, chivalry, arms)

❖ Black Warrior / Black Tortoise / Black Turtle
❖ Daoist god / ruler over the northern heavens
seiryû せいりゅう 青竜
sei (blue, green)
ryû (dragon, imperial)

sei (blue, green)
ryû (dragon, imperial)

❖ Azure Dragon / Green Dragon
❖ Daoist god / ruler over the eastern heavens
shijinsô-ô しじんそうおう 四神相応
shi (four)
jin (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)
shijin (four kami said to rule over the four directions, in China: four gods said to rule over the four seasons)
sô (inter-, mutual, together, each other, aspect, phase)
ô (apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept)
sô-ô (suitability, fitness)

❖ An ideal topography for the four Daoist gods, with a river in the east, a broad avenue in the west, a basin in the south, and a hill in the north
❖ kyôtô is an example
kigaku きがく 気学
ki (spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ Fortune telling based on Chinese twelve year cycle
❖ Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig
kyûseikigaku きゅうせいきがく 九星気学
kyû (nine)
sei (star, spot, dot, mark)
ki (spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ Fortunetelling based on the nine traditional astrological signs in Onmyôdô
kyûsei きゅうせい 九星
kyû (nine)
sei (star, spot, dot, mark)

❖ Nine traditional astrological signs in Onmyôdô, each corresponding to the year of a person's birth and used to create a horoscope
ippaku いっぱく 一白
ip | itsu (one)
paku (white)

❖ First of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Mercury and north
jikoku じこく 二黒
ji | ni (two)
koku (black)

❖ Second of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Saturn and southwest
sampeki さんぺき 三碧
sam | san (three)
peki | heki (blue, green)

❖ Third of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Jupiter and east
shiroku しろく 四緑
shi (four)
roku (green)

❖ Fourth of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Jupiter and south-east
go'ô ごおう 五黄
go (five)
ô (yellow)

❖ Fifth of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Saturn and central
roppaku ろっぱく 六白
rop | roku (six)
paku (white)

❖ Sixth of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Venus and north-west)
shichiseki しちせき 七赤
shichi (seven)
seki (red)

❖ Seventh of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Venus and west
happaku はっぱく 八白
hap | hatsu (eight)
paku (white)

❖ Eighth of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Saturn and north-east
kyûshi きゅうし 九紫
kyû (nine)
shi (purple, violet)

❖ Ninth of nine traditional astrological signs
❖ Corresponding to Mars and south
kyûseijutsu きゅうせいじゅつ 九星術
kyû (nine)
sei (star, spot, dot, mark)
jutsu (art, technique, skill, means, trick, resources, magic)

❖ Astrology; horoscopy
kyûseika きゅうせいか 九星家
kyû (nine)
sei (star, spot, dot, mark)
ka (expert, professional)

❖ Astrology; star reader
mui むい 無為
mu (nothingness, none, ain't, nothing, nil, not)
i (do, change, make, benefit, reach to, try)
mui (idleness, inactivity)

❖ Daoist term (Chin: Wu Wei)
❖ An important concept in Daoism (literally: non-action or non-doing)
❖ Beings or phenomena that are wholly in harmony with the Dao behave in a completely natural, uncontrived way
muishizen むいしぜん 無為自然
mu (nothingness, none, ain't, nothing, nil, not)
i (do, change, make, benefit, reach to, try)
mui (idleness, inactivity)
shi (oneself)
zen (sort of thing, so, if so, in that case, well)
shizen (nature, spontaneity, natural, spontaneous)

❖ Abandoning artifice and just being oneself
❖ Doing nothing and taking things as they come
onmyôdô おんみょうどう 陰陽道
on | in (negative, secret, female, shade, shadow, yin)
myô | yô (daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang)
dô (journey, way, teachings)

❖ A traditional Japanese esoteric cosmology
❖ A mixture of natural science and occultism
❖ A unique Japanese adaptation based on the Chinese philosophies of Wu Xing, and Yin-Yang
❖ These practices were further influenced by Daoism, Buddhism and shintôism
❖ Also called on'yôdô, in'yôdô
on'yôdô おんようどう 陰陽道
in'yôdô いんようどう
on (negative, secret, female, shade, shadow, yin)
yô (daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang)
dô (way)

n (negative, secret, female, shade, shadow, yin)
yô (daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang)
dô (way)
in'yôgogyô いんようごきょう 陰陽五行
on'yôgogyô おんようごきょう
in | on (shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow)
yô (sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime)
go (five)
gyô (going, journey)

❖ The Chinese theory of Yin-Yang and Wu Xing (the five phases of matter)
❖ The cosmic dual forces (yin-yang) and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) in Chinese cosmology
❖ Also pronounced on'yôgogyô
in'yô いんよう 陰陽
on'yô おんよう
onmyô おんみょう
in | on (shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow)
yô | myô (sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime)

❖ Cosmic dual forces; yin-yang; sun and moon, etc.
❖ Also pronounced on'yô, onmyô
in いん
on おん
in | on (shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow)

❖ Also pronounced on
haku はく
(Yin energy, spirit)
myô みょう
yô | myô (sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime)

❖ Also pronounced myô
kon こん
(Yang energy, spirit)
in'yôwagô いんようわごう 陰陽和合
in (shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow)
yô (sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime)
wa (harmony, peace, soften)
gô (fit, suit, join)
wagô (harmony; concord; agreement; unity; union)

❖ The harmony of yin and yang energies
onmyô-no-ri おんみょうのり 陰陽の理
on | in (negative, secret, female, shade, shadow, yin)
myô | yô (daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang)
no (possesive particle)
ri (reason, principle, logic)

❖ Principle of duality
rokki ろっき 六気
rikuki りくき
rikki りっき
rok | roku (six)
ki (spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood)

❖ Six essences
❖ Yin, Yang, wind, rain, darkness, light
❖ Cold, heat, dryness, dampness, wind, fire
❖ Six emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, love, hate)
❖ Also pronounced rikuki, rikki
gogyô ごぎょう 五行
go (five)
gyô (going, journey)

Chin: Wu Xing / Wu Hsing
❖ The five movements or processes
❖ The five phases of matter
❖ The five elements
moku もく

❖ ao (blue, green)
❖ midori (green)
❖ higashi (east)
kun'yomi: ki

❖ aka (red)
❖ minami (south)
❖ See hi

❖ kiiro (yellow)
❖ chûbu (center, middle, heart)
❖ See tsuchi
kin きん
(metal, gold)

❖ shiro (white)
❖ nishi (west)
kun'yomi: kane
sui すい

❖ kuro (black)
❖ murasaki (purple)
❖ kita (north)
❖ See mizu
gyô ぎょう
(going, journey)

❖ Movements or processes
sôkoku そうこく 相剋
sô (inter-, mutual, together, each other, aspect, phase)
koku (victory)

❖ Mutual overcoming sequence
❖ Wood penetrates Earth dams Water extinguishes Fire melts Metal chops Wood
❖ tairitsu (confrontation; opposition; antagonism)
sôshô そうしょう 相生
sô (inter-, mutual, together, each other, aspect, phase)
shô (life, genuine, birth)

❖ Mutual Generation sequence
❖ Wood feeds Fire creates Earth bears Metal carries Water nourishes Wood
❖ wagô (harmony; concord; agreement; unity; union)
onmyô-ji おんみょうじ 陰陽師
on (negative, secret, female, shade, shadow, yin)
myô (daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang)
ji (exemplar, expert, master, teacher)

❖ Or onmyôji
❖ Specialists in magic and divination they also exorcise spirits, summon spirits, and control shikigami
❖ Also called on'yô-ji
on'yô-ji おんようじ 陰陽師
on (negative, secret, female, shade, shadow, yin)
yô (daytime, heaven, male, positive, sunshine, yang)
ji (exemplar, expert, master, teacher)
sanbô さんぼう 三宝
san (three)
bô | hô (treasure, wealth, valuables)

❖ Originally the three treasures of Daoism
❖ Compassion or love
❖ Frugality or simplicity
❖ Humility or modesty
senjitsu せんじつ 選日
sen (elect, select, choose, prefer)
jitsu (day, sun)

❖ Selecting an auspicious date by looking at the astrological information on the calendar
❖ Date selected in such a manner
shichiken しちけん 七賢
shichi (seven)
ken (intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness)

❖ Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove
❖ A group of Chinese Daoist scholars, writers, and musicians who came together in the 3rd century CE
❖ They stressed the enjoyment of wine, personal freedom, spontaneity and a celebration of nature
❖ See the Seven Wise Men (of the rongo)
shichi-fuku-jin – The "Seven Luck kami" may be derived from the shichiken
shichûsuimei しちすいめい 四柱推命
shi (four)
chû (pillar, post, cylinder, support)
sui (conjecture, infer, guess, suppose, support)
mei (fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint)

❖ Four Pillar astrology
❖ Originally Chinese method of fortunetelling based on the time, date, month and year of a person's birth
Chin: Shang Guan
shôkan しょうかん 傷官
shô (wound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point / ateji)
kan (bureaucrat, the government / ateji)

❖ Four Pillars of Destiny
❖ A concept in Japanese astrology that involves calculating a person's destiny using the values of the birth year, month, day and hour
Chin: Shang Guan
shizen しぜん 自然
shi (oneself)
zen (sort of thing, so, if so, in that case, well)
shizen (nature, spontaneity, natural, spontaneous)

❖ The primordial state of all things
boku ぼく
(bark of a tree)

Chin: Pu (the uncarved block)
❖ The original nature of an individual prior to the imprint of culture
shôki しょうき 鍾馗
shô (spindle, gather, collect / ateji)
ki (road / ateji)

Chin: Zhong Kui
❖ Daoist deity
❖ Plague-Queller – prevents plagues and ward off evil beings
❖ Demon-Queller – vanquishes yûrei and oni
❖ Said to command 80,000 oni

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