shiyakujin no hokora
A Book of Little Traditions
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kashikomu (Respect Towards kami) – 07 / 15 / 2014
kashikomu かしこむ 畏む (fear, majestic, graciously, be apprehensive)

❖ To hold in awe
❖ An attitude of respect towards kami
mi-itsu みいつ 稜威
mi (power, majesty)
itsu (dignity, majesty)

❖ The august dignity of kami
shintoku しんとく 神徳
shin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)
toku (benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect)
shintoku (divine virtues)

❖ The virtue of kami
The respect we show to the kami should be based on our relationship and interdependence with them:

kami wa hito no kei ni yotte i o mashi
kami on respect of people depend (their) power to increase

hito wa kami no toku ni yotte un o sou
People on benevolence of kami depend (their) good fortune to satisfy

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