手水舎 「てみずや」 – temizuya
Here at the temizuya, we will need to purify ourselves before we go further.
Click on the part for each step.
  1.  With your right hand,
  2.  pick up a ladle.
  3.  Fill the ladle with water from the fountain.
  4.  Pour some* of the water over your left hand,
  5.  into the catch basin.
  6.  Transfer the ladle to your left hand.
  7.  Pour some* of the water over your right hand,
  8.  into the catch basin.
  9.  Transfer the ladle back to your right hand.
  10.  Pour some* of the water into your cupped left hand.
  11.  Use the water in the left hand to rinse out your mouth.
  12.  Spit the water into the catch basin.
  13.  Pour some* of water over the left hand,
  14.  into the catch basin once again.
  15.  Use the remaining* water to clean the ladle handle by holding it,
     with the cup on top, upright in both hands over the catch basin.
  16.  Replace the ladle.
* Approximately a fifth each time.
Once you've purified yourself, continue along the sandô.
鳥居 「とりい」  • torii     参道 「さんどう」  • sandô 
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